Tuesday, November 27, 2018

GTA V Thanos script mod - Download

GTA V Thanos script mod - Download

This is Julio Nib Thanos script mod for GTA V


Also download the ped model (ThanosIW_big):

The mod goes with a sample suit .ini file for that model, you can install any suit, you just need the .ini file in Suits folder to show it in menu.

Plugins setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evp8URzfGDo
Script setup: https://youtu.be/l88lGn96E7U

If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:https://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2018/06/gta-v-thanos-script-mod-download.html


Installation:  Extract all files to game Scripts folder. Check this post for more info.

You NEED UPDATED ScripthookVDotNet installed and working to run my mods ;)

Case you have issues with login in game, send message in my Patreon page.


-Ctrl+N: Show mods menu*
-Left mouse button (Right trigger): Attack with special powers/thrown
-R (Right shoulder) Attack with basic melee attacks/thrown
-R (Right shoulder) when falling: Attack with Power Stone (Ground smash)
-E (Left shoulder): Hold to show power selection or simple press to switch power
-T (DPad right): Open portal for teleport in targeted ground position or
in targeted waypoint indicator
-Q (B): Grab/lift target, hold to grab with telekinesis (Mind stone)
-Shift (A): Sprint
-Space (X): Jump
-Delete (DPad left): Delete targeted portal/black hole
-Double click right mouse button (Left trigger): Toggle time freeze On/Off
|For attack buttons: Hold to increase power/keep attack

-Hold left and right shoulders (in vehicles hold right and left triggers and press DPad Right) to show mods menu


-Power shoot with Power stone
-Portal creation with Space stone
-Turn things into stone, animals or water with Reality stone
-Throw meteors with Space and Power stone
-Grab and throw entities
-Ground smash with Power stone
-Time slow down with Time stone
-Create black holes with Space stone
-Steal people souls with Soul stone
-Kill half of population with a snap of fingers
and more.


Script by JulioNIB
ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire
